Platte County MOGenWeb




Contact Mel, MOGenWeb SC if you are interested.

Hello Everyone! I am your county coordinator for the Platte Co., MOGenWeb Project. Please contact me, if you have information, suggestions or a desire to add your data to the database. We need your help to make this a better site!

Please note, this site is undergoing intense rework, update your bookmarks!

I cannot answer any personal research questions and will not reply to these types of requests. I do not live in Platte County. I host this page because of my love of genealogy. My goal is to keep this page updated and to continue to add new features as I receive them. All that I have or know of general research material is and will be posted on these pages. I hope you find these pages helpful. If you have information you want to share, I would love to hear from you! Platte County Coordinator.

Information here is not "etched in stone". It often provides valuable leads. It is up to you to prove the data and contact the person who provided it to compare notes.

County Facts

Past and Present 


Organized December 31, 1838 from the Platte Purchase, a $7,500 government land purchase from the Iowa, Sac and Fox Indians, which encompassed six counties. It is Named after the Platte River(Platte is derived from the French word for a low, shallow, or intermittent stream.), the most southern portion of the Platte Purchase was named Platte County.

The county seat is, Platte City, MO, 64079.

On November 7, 1872, the Platte County Court divided the county into 13 townships: Camden Point; Fair; Pettis; Lee; Magee; May; New Market; Parkville; Waldron; Ridgely; Salem; Miller and Weston


Queries & Mailing lists


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